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About US
Investment Audit Systems™ (IAS) has been powering the most robust cost basis calculators in the marketplace since introducing the first commercially available cost basis calculator in 2002. Marketed under several brand names through subsidiaries of our data partner, Interactive Data CorporationSM, these calculators have helped more tax and investment professionals save time, money and effort than any other.
IAS is proud to continue its exclusive partnership with Interactive Data Corporation by making its Cost Basis Calculators and Research tools available directly to Investors and Tax Professionals through this web-based service.
Automated Schedule D - Adding to the robust efficiency features already found in the IAS Calculator Results screen of information, IAS has now automated the creation of an IRS Form 1040 Schedule D (pdf format) from the gain/loss information found in the Calculator Results.
The IAS Family Tree List / Family Tree Chart - Researching securities is often complicated by corporate events that have changed an investment from one security to another over time. Mergers, stock splits, reverse stock splits, spin-offs, and name changes have affected literally thousands of securities in just the past few years. IAS has created the technology to tie all these affected securities together so that researching their histories, whether for cost basis or other purposes, is unimpacted by the changes brought over time. The IAS Family Tree List gives users a simple listing of all related securities along with the events that connect them, while the extraordinary IAS Family Tree Chart presents the information in an easy-to-understand graphical form.
Investment Audit Systems, LLC Edgewater, MD 21037 (410) 504-1871